Team Leader
-Download the Team Leader Packet Here-
Each Team Leader should recruit at least twelve walkers to participate in the walk or raise a minimum of $1000 for their team. Team Leaders must turn in walker names, addresses and phone numbers to the “March For Missions” chairman no later than 30 days prior to the event date.
You will be amazed at the amount of support and generosity that your friends, family members and business contacts give you, simply because you ask for their support.
1. Recruit walkers face to face.
2. Recruit a co-leader to help you build your team.
3. Distribute flyers/brochures to walkers. Encourage them to pre-register as soon as possible.
4. Identify the businesses that your walkers have influence with and organize your team to solicit community sponsorships from these businesses. Remember your team’s goal of $1000 in community sponsorships.
5. Consistently communicate with your walkers to remind them of their individual fundraising goal and remind them of the date and time of the walk.
6. Teach your team to fundraise. Keep your walkers motivated by giving them hints on effective ways to raise money. Send them articles with different ideas. Remember, the individual with the most money raised takes home a trophy – not to mention the more money raised to help world missions projects.
7. Remind your walkers to bring their sponsor money with them on walk day (or drop off to you early).
8. Have your committee chairperson speak to your team to inspire more fundraising.
9. Come up with a name for your group of walkers. It can be part of your name (Marching for Molly, Steps for Stephen, etc.) or part of your company’s name (Team ABC Company, Dr. Smith’s Steppers, etc.). Be sure to write your team name on the flyers/brochures you pass out, so participants know to call you with questions.
10. Get a local business to donate a gift certificate to the top fundraiser of your team as an incentive to promote competition within your team.
11. Sincerely thank your team on behalf of the national pastors and churches that benefit from missions programs.
Friends, co-workers, vendors, competitors, family and neighbors are all great people to ask to walk or sponsor you. No matter if you have five walkers or ten, encourage your team to raise at least $1000.
Try telling potential walkers some of these interesting facts…….
Walking is great exercise! – Walking 6.2 miles/10 kilometers (the length of a standard walk/run) burns approximately 650 calories.
Walking boosts energy! – It also improves posture and helps you sleep better by toning your entire body and strengthening your heart, lungs and bones.
It’s doesn’t cost that much! – The registration fee is only $20 for Team Members participating in fund raising and $35 for those not participating in fundraising. The registration fee entitles you to participate in a fun afternoon outside, prizes, lunch and so much more!
It’s a great way to have fun! – The “March For Missions” walk also reminds us that being healthy and happy is the greatest gift of all.
It’s a great way to make a difference! – This is your chance to make a difference by helping world missions and Project Samuel!
Some walkers will not show up due to unexpected conflicts. Walk trends show that half of enlisted walkers will not participate on walk day or raise money.
It is extremely important to communicate with recruited walkers and team leaders via telephone and e-mail on a regular basis so that your attrition rate is not as high. Remember – Recruit, Recruit, Recruit!!
The “March for Mission” Fun Walk kicks off at 9 a.m. and walkers are encouraged to arrive early in order to pick up their t-shirts and race information.